What do you know about the Ancient Egyptians?

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18 Responses to What do you know about the Ancient Egyptians?

  1. halla says:

    They wrote in hieroglyphs.

    Only important people were mummified.

    They believed in the afterlife.

  2. manj says:

    They mummified Egyptian Pharaohs & other important peoples. People in Egypt built COLLOSAL pyramids. That is where they put the mummies in the tombs. The Egyptians believed in the afterlife.

  3. tings says:

    The Egyptians lived a 5000 year’s ago !!!!

  4. cowhe says:

    Pharaohs, animals and people were mummified when they were dead.(a very gruesome process.)The Egyptians were in
    Egypt 5000 years ago. They were attacked and defeated by the Persians in a very strange way.

  5. lidwb says:

    They Worshiped Many Gods And Goddess
    They Mummified All The Dead Pharaohs
    They All Depended On The River Nile

  6. woolm says:

    Kings are called pharaohs Cleopatra died 30 years before JUES when they die they get mummified .

  7. masor says:

    They used to wrap dead kings ,they killed people in the river Nile ,they worshiped the sphinx.

  8. swifb says:

    that in the pyramid they sacraphice people and they have
    secret door

  9. EEF08 says:

    They put bronze cats outside their houses to protect them. They believed in afterlife. They worshiped sphinxes and built pyramids. They worshiped Ra and the dead wore a scarab beetle.

  10. dennd says:

    Thay built some of the grandest buildings ever built in the world

  11. duncf says:

    I know that they lived next to the Nile and they had kings called pharaohs. They believed in the after life.

  12. taylh says:


    that in the pyramid there are dead people in there

  13. swifb says:

    there was a gey who had a cat and dog and the man died.

  14. kocat says:

    The Ancient Egyptians are rich. Also they live quite close to the River Nile so they can get water,grow cops and to make the bricks

  15. rensi says:

    I know that the ancient Egyptians are very clever and have lots of gods such as Ra.

  16. taylh says:

    a boy in the egyptians got on the throne when he was 9 and died when he was 19

  17. asomi says:

    I know that in Egyptian times mummies had special powers.I know that one of the mummies were named tutankhamun.
    But their life wasn’t easy some people made pyrimid

  18. goddr says:

    I know that they lived in the desert. I know that the capital of Egypt is called Giza
    I know that they lived near the river Nile

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