Overseas Friends

Hello Everyone,

We are Year 4, King Class. Our classes in Canonbury Primary School are all called after a famous person. Our class is named after Martin Luther King.

Our school has students from aged 3 to 11. We are aged eight and nine years old in King Class. We are learning Spanish; we have been learning Spanish for one year and 3 weeks! How long have you been learning English? Do you like it?

Our class teacher is Tanya and she is a really excellent teacher. We have special teachers for Art, Physical Education and Spanish. What is your teacher’s name and what are they like? We also are quite lucky to have a library in our school and lots of us love to read.

What lessons do you have each day? Do you have breaks to play outside? What is your playground like? Do you share it? Our school day starts at 8.55am and finishes at 15.30. How many days do you go to school per week? Our school days are from Monday to Friday.

Our school is in Islington, North London. It is very busy with lots of people, traffic, construction and loads of different types of shops. Nearby, we have lots of big parks where we go after school with our families.

Thank you for reading our blog!

We are looking forward to writing to you again soon!


All of King Class

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7 Responses to Overseas Friends

  1. Blanca says:

    Nos gusta mucho el Inglés. Llevamos 6 años aprendiendo Inglés . ¡Un saludo!

  2. Marcos says:

    Nuestra profesora se llama Lucía y es muy buena.

  3. Sofía says:

    Nuestras asignaturas son: Lengua, Matemáticas, Natural Science, English, Música, Educación Física… y algunas más.

  4. Claudia says:

    Tenemos dos recreos. Uno por la mañana a las 11.30 y otro después de comer.

  5. Nicolás says:

    Nuestro patio es grande y tiene tres canchas de baloncesto y dos pistas de fútbol. Compartimos el patio con los niños de 4º, 5º y 6º de primaria.

  6. Elsa says:

    Vamos al colegio de lunes a viernes. Nuestro horario es de 9.00 a 17.00

  7. 3C Class says:

    We liked your blog very much. We are willing to read more from you. Kind regards from Madrid!!!

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