Hola Amigos

Thank you for looking at our Blog. We hope you enjoyed reading it. We really liked your comments, they were very interesting. We noticed that you have many more pupils than we do! Our whole school has around 460 pupils. Also, we noticed that you share your playground with older children, we share with younger and older children. You are very lucky to have three basketball courts and two football pitches, we have one of each. One thing we do like about our playground is the climbing frame and climbing wall.

We were wondering if you have a Behaviour Chart? In our school, every child has got coloured cards. Each child starts the day on a green card but if we are naughty, we change the card to the colour amber. We can have amber 1 and amber 2, amber 1 means we can lose 5 minutes of our break and amber 2 means we can lose 10 minutes of our break. We have also got an amber 3 card, if a child is naughty on three occasions, we can lose 15 minutes break and we can no longer try to get back to a green card.

We also have a red card for serious misbehaviour; if someone gets a red card, a letter is sent home to our parents and we have to see the Deputy Headteacher.

Though, we do have a gold card for when we do something really well or act very kindly to others. We also get a prize from our teacher when we get a gold card!

What happens if you are naughty? Do you miss playtime or have to stay in school for detention?

How well do you get along with your teachers? How many students are in each class. Here, there is a maximum of 30 children per class.


Please reply soon!

From the whole of King Class

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